Quapaw Public Schools Home

Home of the Wildcats

Our Mission

The mission of the district is to ensure that all students are provided the educational opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be competent, productive members of a global society.

School News


Flu Reminders

Dear QPS Students, Staff and Families,
As flu and other various illnesses remain prevalent in our schools we ask for your help on minimizing the spread to keep our students safe and healthy with a few reminders.
Any student reporting cold or flu-like symptoms should stay home or may be sent home until they are at least 24 hours fever, diarrhea, and vomit free without the use of medication. Medications include (tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.)
Also consider keeping students home if they are experiencing headaches, body aches, stomach aches, sore throats and coughs. Sending students to school too soon after an illness may result in the risk of exposing others and re-infection.
Please contact the building offices if your child is ill.
Thank you!

Powerlifting Results Grades 7-9

Powerlifting at Checotah
Grades 7-9 Results
Landon Youngberg
1st Place 181 weight class - 8th grade
Maverick Jones
2nd Place 105 weight class - 8th grade
Mallory Leeper
3rd Place 97 weight class - 7th grade
Thomas Mathews
1st Place 157 weight class - 9th grade

Spelling Bee Champion

Congratulations to Carter Phillips the 2025 QPS Spelling Bee Champion. Carter will compete in the Joplin Globe area meet on March 14.

NE Regional Science Fair

NE Regional Science Fair.
Congratulations to these young individuals. Results are:
Caytie Couch- Best Science Project Overall in entire fair, Top project in High School Biological Sciences and 1st in Animal Science.
Brooklyn Brock- Top Project in High School Physical Sciences and 1st in Engineering.
Trevyn Arnold and Jack Berryman- 1st place in Botany
Slade Dixon- 1st place in Earth & Environmental Sciences
Waylon Overman- 2nd place in Earth & Environmental Sciences
Remmington Turner- 1st place in Microbiology
Jeanette Sherwood- 2nd place in Behavioral Sciences.
Hunter Reed- 2nd in Medical & Health
Caytie Couch, Brooklyn Brock, Trevyn Arnold, Jack Berryman, Slade Dixon and Waylon Overman
We are very proud of each and everyone of them. Lots of long hours in each of these projects.


  • 602 Enrollment
  • $178,000 Scholarships Class of 2023
  • 94% Attendance Rate
  • 13:1 Student/Teacher Ratio
  • 23 Native American Tribes Represented